Announcing the release of Twinspect 2023.1
8. February 2023Your path to a faster and smarter inspection process with Twinspect
7. June 2023
Infrastructure in Critical State
There are countless infrastructures around the world that are in a critical state, leading to massive safety risks and problems. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) 2021 Infrastructure Report Card, in the United States alone, there are over 231,000 bridges that are in need of repair or replacement, and many other countries face similar challenges with their infrastructure.
In addition, a report published by the European Commission "Renovation Wave Strategy: A New Opportunity for the Built Environment" identified the need for increased investment in infrastructure maintenance and renovation, particularly in the areas of transport and energy. The report noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the importance of maintaining and improving Europe's infrastructure to support economic recovery and ensure the safety and well-being of citizens.
Digital Solutions for Inspection Process
The manual inspection of these bridges, tunnels or dams is very time-consuming and requires a significant number of operators, resulting in a large inspection backlog in many areas. By not detecting potential damaged areas in time, maintenance cost increases as well as risks in the use of the infrastructure in question.
These issues, such as endangering inspection personnel, costly equipment, bridge or dam closures, and extended work time, can be addressed through the use of digital solutions in the inspection process.
Streamlining Asset Lifecycle Management with Drone Technology and Digital Inspection Platform
By combining drone technology to capture the asset and the efficient use of a digital inspection platform like Twinspect for this data, the entire workflow can be streamlined to address the complex requirements of successful asset lifecycle management. The ability to inspect remotely from a desk also reduces the risks associated with manual inspection, which should not be underestimated, especially for bridges that are crossing waterways or are very heavily trafficked.
Improved Teamwork and Precise Assessment through Digital Platform
The digital platform can significantly improve teamwork, as all relevant information on the object to be inspected is bundled in one place and all those involved in the process have the same data basis for decision-making. The current condition of e.g. a bridge can be precisely assessed, critical points can be annotated and measured and through regular inspections the development over a period of time can be digitally recorded. The geotagged photos of the drone inspection can be viewed and evaluated in full-site context using the high-resolution and accurately linked 3D model of the object. Finally, all the acquired information, such as annotations and measurements, as well as the corresponding images can be automatically merged into a report, for all stakeholders to visualize and make actionable project decisions.
Importance of Regular Inspections for Infrastructure Performance and Safety
The performance of infrastructures is of highest importance for functional traffic routes and the safety of the population. To ensure this, regular inspection cycles are essential, which is made possible by digital solutions from both a time and a cost perspective. Damage is then detected at an early stage and also in terms of a more sustainable claim, assets can be operated longer, demolitions and subsequent new construction can be prevented and efficient life cycle management is given.
Get all stakeholders and team members on the same page for a safer, more efficient and predictable inspection process. Get in Contact with Twinsity